Quickstart: React
@biconomy/use-aa • Docs
Clone the complete quick start here
Biconomy has two main packages: @biconomy/useAA which is designed for React projects, and @biconomy/biconomy-client-sdk, which is our core SDK that can be used in any JavaScript environment.
If you are building a React project, we recommend starting with @biconomy/useAA (which is the focus of the following tutorial). You can always drop down to the underlying Core SDK if required.
1. Create a Next.js project
npx create-next-app@latest
2. Install dependencies
- bun
- npm
- yarn
- pnpm
bun add viem wagmi @tanstack/react-query @biconomy/account @biconomy/use-aa
npm install viem wagmi @tanstack/react-query @biconomy/account @biconomy/use-aa
yarn add viem wagmi @tanstack/react-query @biconomy/account @biconomy/use-aa
pnpm add viem wagmi @tanstack/react-query @biconomy/account @biconomy/use-aa
3. Add your Providers
Create your relevant providers for each of your dependencies. You will need to retrieve paymaster and bundler details from the biconomy dashboard.
By default the smart account will be created by using the signer of your metamask account, but you can also add your own custom signer using any social login provider in the config field of the Biconomy Provider which will be further used to create the smart account.
"use client";
import { http } from "viem";
import { BiconomyProvider } from "@biconomy/use-aa";
import { polygonAmoy } from "viem/chains";
import { WagmiProvider, createConfig } from "wagmi";
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";
export default function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
const biconomyPaymasterApiKey =
const bundlerUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BUNDLER_URL || "";
const config = createConfig({
chains: [polygonAmoy],
transports: {
[polygonAmoy.id]: http(),
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
return (
<WagmiProvider config={config}>
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
// Add your signer here if you don't want to use the metamask signer
4. Send a Sponsored Transaction
4a. Get the smart account address for the connected user
const { smartAccountAddress } = useSmartAccount();
4b. Build the mintTx
const mintNftTx = () =>
transactions: {
to: "0x1758f42Af7026fBbB559Dc60EcE0De3ef81f665e",
data: encodeFunctionData({
abi: parseAbi(["function safeMint(address _to)"]),
functionName: "safeMint",
args: [smartAccountAddress],
4c. Send the sponsored transaction and wire the 'wait' hook
const {
data: userOpResponse,
} = useSendSponsoredTransaction();
const {
isLoading: waitIsLoading,
isSuccess: waitIsSuccess,
error: waitError,
data: waitData,
} = useUserOpWait(userOpResponse);
return (
<button type="button" onClick={mintNftTx}>
{waitIsLoading || isPending ? "Executing..." : "Mint an NFT"}
{(error || waitError) ?? ""}
4d. Handle the success state
useEffect(() => {
if (waitData?.success === "true") {
}, [waitData]);
Next Steps
Congratulations! You have sent your first sponsored transaction with Biconomy. You can now explore specific methods here.